

  • Know Your Strengths
  • Share your Signature Theme Report with people who are closest to you. Ask them these three questions:
    • 1. What was your initial reaction to my report?
    • 2. Which strength or strengths do you see most in me? Can you give me an example?
    • 3. What do you see as my greatest strengths?
  • Use Your Strengths
  • Work With Your Strengths
  • Connect Your Strengths To Improvement
  • Connect With A Strengths Coach
  • Relive Your Success
  • Plan Ahead

CliftonStrengths®: Your Strengths Awakening

By completing CliftonStrengths®, you’ve started your journey to maximize your performance. In this module you learned how to:
  • understand your greatest natural strengths
  • recognize how your strengths contribute to your success
  • develop your strengths toward a goal in the future
CliftonStrengths® help you realize what you’re naturally best at and what sets you apart from others by measuring 34 different themes within you.
A theme is a cluster of your innate patterns of thought, feeling and behavior. It gives you a lens to see both your own strengths and the strengths of others. Your CliftonStrengths® Signature Themes report shows the top themes that you connected with. These themes allow you to better understand and describe your natural areas of potential excellence.
Examining your strengths together provides a more complete picture of who you are. Your specific combination of strengths is so unique that the chance of another person sharing the same top five themes in the same order as you is one in 33 million.
To develop your performance and be the very best version of yourself, you must invest in and apply your strengths. You can do this by intentionally naming, claiming and aiming them.
Name, Claim, and Aim Your Strengths
Name It
Claim It
Aim It
Make your Signature Themes your own. Identify what these themes mean to you.
Appreciate the unique power and value you have and bring to others.
Flex your strengths. Intentionally practice using and developing your strengths.
  • Read your CliftonStrengths® Signature Themes report. Highlight the words and phrases that most resonate with you.
  • Consider how these words and phrases come to life for you in your words and actions.
  • Create a clear connection between your top themes and how they help you in your life.
  • Think about a recent success you have had and determine how your Signature Themes helped you in that situation.
  • Aim your strengths at specific issues or outcomes.
  • Think about a goal you’d like to achieve. Apply your top strengths in ways that set yourself up for success and allow you to reach your goal.
Your highest levels of performance come from both focusing on strengths and managing weaknesses. A weakness is something that gets in the way of your success. More precisely, a weakness is a shortage or misapplication of talent, skill or knowledge. You manage your weaknesses by accounting for them, rather than fixing them. Weaknesses don’t develop. Strengths develop infinitely.
Developing Your Strengths and Managing Your Weaknesses
Five Tips for Developing Your Strengths
Five Tips for Managing Your Weaknesses
1) Identify the kinds of activities you are naturally drawn to and determine ways to do more of them.
2) Focus on things that you seem to pick up quickly and invest in ways to master them.
3) Rely on the activities that you seem to naturally and automatically know the steps to complete.
4) Find more ways to incorporate activities that provide moments of unconscious excellence, moments when you thought, "How did I do that?"
5) Appreciate the things that give you energy or enjoyment, either while doing them or immediately after finishing them. These are the activities that make you think, "When can I do that again?"
1) Don’t try to fix your weaknesses, manage them.
2) If you can, avoid working in areas of lesser talents.
3) Use another theme to make up for an area of lesser talent.
4) Find a complementary partner.
5) Develop a support system, process or strategy.
Invest in your strengths to become the best version of yourself!
Take time each morning to read the description of one of your top strengths. Focus on the words and phrases that resonate most with you. Notice throughout the day when you feel yourself using your strengths in an intentional way.